USB to Serial

ID #1096

How do I get Windows 7 / Windows 8 (8.1) Drivers for my VScom USB-Com device?

By simply connecting it to your PC. Windows then connects to Windows Update, and loads the drivers for installation. This also happens in the same way on Windows Server 2008R2.
Update: Windows 8.1 handles drivers the same way as Windows 8. So these instructions still apply.

There is nothing you have to do, and there is nothing you can do to prevent that process. From time to time you'll get updates for the driver from Windows Update as well.

The only option to prevent this way of installation is to deny any Internet access to your system. This is a rare situation today, so there is no CD-ROM shipped with the product.
For really offline systems, and for those users in need of more information, the paper note in the package directs to a download webpage. Details about offline installation are there.


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Last update: 2017-07-10 11:08
Author: Support
Revision: 1.2

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