How to configure the serial card for my baudrate? It is not available in the Device Manager.
The Device Manager is the wrong location to configure your serial port. Your application is responsible to configure the required serial parameters, not the Device Manager. Please check the manual or help of your software.
For programmers:
In the help system of your development environment (or in MSDN) you may read about the functions getcommstate and setcommstate, both refer to a data structure named DCB (Device Control block).
First your application retrieves the current configuration via getcommstate, which is saved in a DCB. This DCB has a member called baudrate, which is 32 bit wide. Your applications simply changes this member to the value of e.g. 500000, and also the other members as required.
This changed DCB is then sent to the driver via setcommstate.
This method is true for *any* serial port seen as a Com Port in any version of 32bit or 64 bit Windows. In fact it is similar to the operations in Windows 3.11, so applications should really know about that in these days.
The only possible problem occurs, when the serial port can not handle the requested parameters. You can check whether your hardware supports the required bitrate in the FAQ I need to use a custom speed on your PCI card, can I do it?
It is possible you use some library to operate a serial port. This library in turn has to do the operations as described above. However the usage of your library you must check by yourself.
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