Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers
ID #1008
Please, can you confirm us if we can use your device for Modbus RTU field bus. (In the same frame, the time between 2 characters must be less then 3.5 time one character duration, otherwise destination device takes it like two different frames).
The ethernet is not a deterministic bus, so you can have latencies
greater than 5ms - and so it depends on your baudrate.
You must calculate it for your own, if the maximum latency in your
network is short enough that you never will ran into trouble.
But if you will send out the frame as a whole block - one write call -
it should be send out as one packet, so the bytes of a frame will be send over the serial
line as fast as possible.
Or you could send UDP packets directly (UDP-Mode) which are less than the MTU (eg.
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Revision: 1.4
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