ID #1079

Do the PCI and PCI Express Cards support VMware?

We checked the PCI Express cards in VMware Server 1.0.10 running on Windows 7. The serial ports are recognized and available for connection to a Virtual Machine. We further tested with Windows XP SP3 installed in a VM, the serial ports are functional.

Some time before we also checked the PCI cards in the same environment, they are functional as well. This statement also applies to the parallel port implemented on the PCI cards.

We do not have every flavour and version of VMware available, so finally the test is up to the customer. However the technology base for all this is the same, so we regard it worth a test.

If the Host system is not Windows (XP and above), we make no statement.


If you have any success we would like to get some feedback.



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Last update: 2011-06-21 15:44
Author: Support
Revision: 1.1

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