Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers

ID #1117

I need a clean removal of the NetCom Plus drivers

Of course the first step of driver removal is the uninstall process as described in the User Manual. Please check about this there.

But even after that removal some data may stay in the Windows Registry. Here is a list of items to remove from there.
The usual regulations about caution apply, it is easy to render your system useless by wrong changes in the registry. So have a backup ready to avoid any data loss.

The following description applies to older models of NetCom in a similar way as to the NetCom Plus series. So below we only use "NetCom" to refer to all models.

The NetCom Plus Manager keeps a list of all NetCom devices it had detected in the past. And also the manually added NetCom for that matter. It is kept in the registry keys

Also it keeps a list of all Com Ports related to the NetCom devices, this is kept in

If the driver is removed from the system it is safe to completely remove those keys.


Also some keys are generated and managed by Windows itself, not controlled be the NetCom Plus Manager. These are
for the NetCom servers, and
for the Com Ports. It should be safe to remove these entries as well.


Again be warned, be very careful when tempering with the Windows Registry.


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Last update: 2023-05-16 16:08
Author: Support
Revision: 1.0

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