Network to Serial » VScom Serial Device Servers
ID #1007
I am interested in knowing if the 16 port pro serial server, when used in null modem tunnel mode, will transfer ALL 16 PORTS from the Sender to ALL 16 ports of the receiver over Ethernet...will it make all 16 ports transfer to the other side?
Yes, you can configure every serial port to get connected to any other serial port of any NetCom (Nullmodem-Tunnel-Mode).
It's a bidirectional mode - you can send and receive on both sides. But you can only connect two serial ports together:
NetCom 1, Port 1 <-> NetCom 2, Port3
NetCom 1, Port 4 <-> NetCom 3, Port2
but not:
NetCom 1, Port 1 <-> NetCom 2, Port3 and NetCom 3, Port2
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Author: Support
Revision: 1.2
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